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The Building Control Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for construction of building. It contains authorized license, inspection, stand of building weight, safety reason as well...
The Condominium Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for registration of condominium as well as criteria of the condominium's owner and their ownership.
The Condominium Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for registration of condominium as well as criteria of the condominium's owner and their ownership.
The Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) was established as a result of the recent reform of the Royal Thai Government. DDPM acts as one of line agency under the Ministry of...
The Factory Act B. E. 2535 was issued as a guideline and criteria to control and prevent emergency incident from factory which effect to people and environment. The Factory Act B. E. 2535 is...
The Guidance Notes on Recovery: Shelter was developed as collaboration between the international Recovery Platform (IRP) and United Nations Development Programme India (UNDP-India). IRP...
The land use code for the principle city plan issued by the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, the handout included the code of resident area, agriculture area,...
The land use code for the principle city plan issued by the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, the handout included the code of resident area, agriculture area,...
The Law is dealing with Disaster Management which emphasizes the integration of disaster management planning with development policies to ensure that the resilience of the country is improved. The...
The Law of Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures is under the Ministerial Regulation amended no. 49 (B. E. 2540), this law issued in 11 November B. E. 2540 in concerned about the resistant...