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Content Type: Resource

A report on property rights and reosurce governance in Yemen, with a special attention towards distribution, legal framework and tenure issues regarding land, water, forest and minerals.

Content Type: Resource

“Pounds of Prevention” is a series of short articles that illustrate how disaster risk reduction works and why it is important. This case study on Guatemala, takes a behind-the-scenes look at aid...

Content Type: Resource

USAID Country profile for Guatemala, with a speacial focus on property rights and resource governance.

Content Type: Resource

A report on distribution, legal framework and tenure issues regarding land, water, forest and minerals.

Content Type: Resource

Highlights a need to address critical issues of property rights and resource governance efforts to strengthen the legal and institutional foundations governing access to land, security of land...

Content Type: Resource

L’exercice de zonage des moyens d'existence « plus » en République Centrafricaine (RCA) n'était pas conçu pour fournir une analyse complète de la sécurité alimentaire, mais plutôt...

Content Type: Resource

Overviews legal framework, land administration and dispute resolution, women's land rights, community forest management.

Content Type: Resource

Both water supply and electricity services in Madagascar are provided mainly through the combined utility, JIRAMA. Problems with JIRAMA ‘s ability to provide both services led to a program of...

Content Type: Resource

This country profile regarding property rights and resource governance in Madagascar, gives an overview of legal framwork regarding land use, freshwater, forests and minerals.

Content Type: Resource

Case study prepared as part of a project, Evaluation of PostDisasterHousing Education as a Local Mitigation Approach. It examines the post-cyclone reconstruction program designed and conducted...
