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The purpose of USAID/OFDA humanitarian shelter and settlements (S&S) assistance is to provide decent, safe, and habitable living spaces to disaster/crisis-affected populations in need of...
The objective of humanitarian S&S assistance is to ensure access to safe and appropriate living spaces in neighborhoods where affected households can resume critical social and livelihoods...
The report, "Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements Sector Update- May 2012" is an update from USAID/OFDA about the sector. Recent projects supported by USAID/OFDA are highlighted, including: its...
The Kabul Area Shelter and Settlement (KASS) Project was designed to provide shelters in an urban environment, existing resources were able to be consolidated and improved, people were able to...
Pay for performance (P4P) in Pakistan consists of supply-side payments to providers and demand-side vouchers that subsidize the costs of a package of reproductive health care services and...