Supporting Livelihood in Disaster Recovery

Sustainable livelihoods are achieved through access to a range of livelihood resources (natural, economic, human and social capitals) which are combined in the pursuit of different livelihood strategies(agricultural intensification or intensification, livelihood diversification and migration). Central to theframework is the analysis of the range of formal and informal organizational and institutional factors thatinfluence sustainable livelihood outcomes. The basis for Disaster Resistant Sustainable Livelihood lies indeveloping the crucial asset base of every community - this includes financial resources, livelihoodinfrastructure, social networks, natural resources (land, water, forests) and governance structures order tolift communities out of poverty and heightened disaster risk. At every stage, disaster proofing takesprecedence. The aim is to reach across social strata down to the most marginalized (and therefore most atrisk) and address issues of gender, inequity and other social conflicts along the way.