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Content Type: Resource
Date: Oct 2014

 The Shelter Cluster in the Philippines developed the Recovery Shelter Guidelines from mid-March in collaboration with Shelter Partners active in the Haiyan affected areas. The development of this...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Oct 2014

Information on the innovative approaches to NFIs used by Catholic Relief Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Content Type: Resource
Date: Oct 2014

A update on the research of the SRU-IFRC on shelter materials. 

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

This group discussed the role of emergency shelter and its relation to urban infrastructure, along with urban settlements and focus on the preparedness phase. These notes, along with...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

 The group identified and discussed the existing needs around fora and partnerships and expanded on ideas of how to manage and...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

 This discussion covered the hardware, tools and guidance within the context of training and guidance in the shelter sector. These discussions included...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

 The group discussed capacity building and training, including current challenges with both and improvements that can be made. The discussion resulted in the...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

This was a fluid flowing conversation, which touched on the main points of knowledge and learning within the sector. The discussion covered stakeholders and disaster risk reductions including...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

 This breakout group in the Technical sector priorities session was meant to discuss priorities that warrant more consistent consideration by the sector....

Content Type: Resource
Date: Dec 2014

 In this discussion the group examined and agreed upon the overarching definitions of the terms below covering self-recovery, repair and retrofitting. Also...
