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Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): ReliefWeb
Date: Feb 2014

Humanitarian needs remain high due to continuing armed conflicts and general insecurity. An estimated 2.4 million people are displaced. Millions of people live in fear and rely on humanitarian aid...

Content Type: Resource

This Guide is intended to help readers understand the political, legal and institutional framework of the ICGLR. It focuses on the three protocols in the social and humanitarian pillar which are...

Content Type: Resource

Cette étude, réalisée par OCHA grâce à l’appui de UNOPS Data Center for IDP Population constitue la mise en œuvre de cette recommandation dans le territoire de Lubero qui héberge selon les...

Content Type: Resource

UNHAS and ASF-F routes Effective 2013 (as of 27 Mar 2013)

Content Type: Resource

Au début de l’année, le Groupement de Ziralo a connu une accalmie dans les Hauts Plateaux de Kalehe, suite à la relocalisation d’un des groupes armés influents de la zone, ce qui a permis aux...

Content Type: Resource

Bulletin d'Information Humanitaire - Province de Maniema N° 06/13, 02 avril 2013. Faits saillants; Punia : Plus de 32 000 personnes seront assistées en articles ménagers essentiels dans le...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): UKaidTearfund
Date: Feb 2014

This summary document presents the key findings of a research project which looked at how (and how far) the delivery of Tearfund’s water, sanitation and hygiene services (WASH) can contribute to...

Content Type: Resource

Price monitoring and analysis country brief - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): University of Ghent
Date: Feb 2014

This report outlined the impact of protracted conflict on the food security situation in Beni and Lubero, two territories of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Content Type: Resource

Taking into account the difficulties in landing an artisanal canoe on these coastal areas with predominant heavy swell and the tidal waves phenomenon, IDAF (Programme for Integrated Development of...
