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Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): InterAction
Date: Nov 2011

A presentation of the activities of  'Shelter and Settlements Working Group' was given by Mr. Mohamed Hilmi from InterAction.

The structure and size of the working group and the...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): InfoasaidInternews
Date: Nov 2011

Jacobo Quintanilla (Internews) and Anita Shah (Infoasaid) remotely presented on humanitarian information and needs assesment in Dadaab, Kenya.

Content Type: Resource

Mrs. Julia Macro from the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) elaborated the importance of livestock sheltering in humanitarian settings. The following...

Content Type: Resource

Gabriel Fernandez del Pino and Andrea Stewart presented the 'Emergency capacity Building Project' (ECB). 

The ECB is a...

Content Type: Resource

Mrs. Francesca Lubrano di Giunno (IOM) gave an update on the situation of the Shelter and CCCM Cluster in Haiti.

Estimations on...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Ivan Draganic (UNDP) presented an update on the latest activities of the Early Recovery Cluster. 

A two-fold early recovery...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): UNHCR
Date: Nov 2011

Andrew Cusack from UNHCR presented an update on the Camp Co-ordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM).

Major goals and...

Content Type: Resource

Mr. Niels Scott (UN OCHA) presented an update on the progress of the Cluster approach reflecting lessons from responses in Pakistan and Haiti.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2011

Mr. Frank Bouvet (UNICEF) explained the surrent situation in the WASH Cluster. The presentation includes the following main topics:

  • Progresses
  • Critical issues in countries...
Content Type: Resource

Mr. Nuno Nunes from IOM kindly agreed to present and chair the 7th Advisory Group Meeting. Minutes of the 6th Advisory Group Meeting were approved by participants and...
