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Content Type: Resource

This report focuses on the ongoing abuses of housing, land and property rights occurring under military rule today, particularly in areas populated by non-Burman peoples. In recent years, the...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Myanmar

A situation report regarding displacement in Rakhine State in Myanmar. It covers instability, violence and response to displacement in the state

Content Type: Resource

Pengadaan Tanah untuk Kepentingan Umum bertujuan
menyediakan tanah bagi pelaksanaan pembangunan
guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran
bangsa, negara, dan masyarakat...

Content Type: Resource

Landsan dan tujuan: Pembangunan rumah susun berlandaskan pada asas kesejahteraan umur keadilan dan pemerataan, serta keserasian dan keseimbangan dalam perikehidupan.

Content Type: Resource

Review of the legal changes Ethiopia is making to their land administration system. This includes land registration and certification.

Content Type: Resource

This document gives an update on crisis in the Horn of Africa regarding drought and displacement. It provides an overview of the key priorities, operational constraints and lessons learnt after...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Ethiopia

Th goal of this assessment was to gain information from the local host community in Hilaweyn refugee camp regarding their opinion on shelter implementation, construction and the impact of presence...

Content Type: Resource

Success story from CORDAID / Farm Africa South omo Risk Management Project in Ethiopia

Content Type: Resource

This living document looks at host community support in post-Earthquake Haiti. It provides initial guidelines using a multi-sectoral approach to tracking displaced people, understanding their...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Afghanistan

This report describes the diversity of shelter's used in transitional settlements for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Herat, Afghanistan. The report is based on a field survey...
