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Sources No. 8 sets out the foundations for the right to water in international and regional treaties and declarations as well as in national laws. It sets out explicit references to the right to...
While emergency shelter reconstruction can have positive income and employment multipliers, it is critical to bear in mind that it is the provision of shelter which is critical for generating the...
Presented was the UNDP disaster risk index, a tool for decision makers to highlight where interventions could best be undertaken. This tool allows informed decisions to be made based on...
This presentation launches the UN OCHA booklet Tents: A Guide to the Use...
The speaker spoke about how the frequency of conflict and disaster in Ethiopia generated significant displaced populations with a wide variety of needs. He said that camps were subject to frequent...
The speaker provided background information on the first phase of this project funded by OCHA, which resulted in the launch of the Timber Scoping Study. The final guide on the use of timber in...
The speaker discussed the role of the Early Recovery Cluster in the context of humanitarian response. He also noted the importance of establishing an Early Recovery Network at country level, to...
The 2010 Pakistan floods called for the largest ever humanitarian appeal from the United Nations, with over 20 million people affected and nearly 1.8 million houses damaged or destroyed. The...
A guide to the planning, use, procurement and logistics of timber as a construction material in humanitarian relief
The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) undertook an extensive fact-finding mission within Brazil during 2002. This report is one result of that mission and was presented to the United...