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Presentation of the case study of Rehabilitation of 9 Schools through cooperation between SDC and the Syrian Ministry of Education, raising the important question of earthquake resilience in...
This presentation explains tool which enablesMedair project managers in the field to self-assess the compliance to Sphere standards of their shelter and settlement/ non-food item/ critical...
This presentation gives a quick update on the case studies of TLS collected and technically documented so far. As well as the organisations that are contributing. This year's compendium will...
The speaker presented an overview of the work of COHRE, including the work recently done in Sri Lanka and Colombia. 'The Pinheiro Principles' (COHRE, 2003) on property restitution and land rights...
This presentations presents the needs, goals, and the future of transitional shelter.
Elisabeth Babister from CARE International presented "Managing Risk in Shelter Programming" at Shelter Meeting 12a.
Anita van Breda of World Wildlife Fund presented "Disasters and Environment" at Shelter Meeting 12a....
Alistair Hung of the Shelter Centre presented "Meeting of the CORE Regional Advisory Group" at Shelter Meeting 12a.
The talk presented recent developments to the CORE project.
Tom Corsellis of the Shelter Centre presented "Common humanitarian technical library" at the Shelter Meeting 12a.
The presentation introduced the planned open-access online library to store...