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Your search for international federation of red cross and red crescent societies resulted in 164 hits.
Content Type: Resource

A shelter case study on materials distribution and training after the Guatemala earthquake 1976.

Content Type: Resource

Graham Saunders, Head of the Shelter Department at the IFRC, addressed causes and consequences of climate change and linked this to the reality in the field.

Content Type: Resource

Case study on what can be done to reduce the impact of natural diasters at the community level.

Content Type: Resource

Implementing guidlines on the use of incident command system

Content Type: Resource

A short video regarding construction of a bamboo shelter in Indonesia. It provides guidelines on how to proceed the building process.

Content Type: Resource

A short video regarding IFRCs work in Port-au-Prince where they are building transitional shelters for 350 families.

Content Type: Resource

Emergency appeal final report for the tropical depression in Guatemala by the IFRC.

Content Type: Resource

Case study on the 2008 conflict in Somalia and the shelter programmes.

Content Type: Resource

This booklet is a companion to "How to build a safer shelter" designed for village carpenters.
