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Your search resulted in 31 hits.
Content Type: Collection
The UK Shelter Forum is a community of practice for individuals and organisations involved in shelter and settlement reconstruction activities after disasters.
Content Type: Collection
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Pakistan
This channel collects information relating to topics relating to Housing, Land and Property in Pakistan.
Content Type: Collection
Bamboo related topics for Africa
Content Type: Collection
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Pakistan
Documents related to Sphere in Pakistan
Content Type: Resource

Pengadaan Tanah untuk Kepentingan Umum bertujuan
menyediakan tanah bagi pelaksanaan pembangunan
guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran
bangsa, negara, dan masyarakat...

Content Type: Resource

Landsan dan tujuan: Pembangunan rumah susun berlandaskan pada asas kesejahteraan umur keadilan dan pemerataan, serta keserasian dan keseimbangan dalam perikehidupan.

Content Type: Resource

Review of the legal changes Ethiopia is making to their land administration system. This includes land registration and certification.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): InterAction
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Africa, Pakistan

The 2010 Pakistan floods called for the largest ever humanitarian appeal from the United Nations, with over 20 million people affected and nearly 1.8 million houses damaged or destroyed. The...

Content Type: Resource

O Programa do Governo 2010-2014 resulta da experiência acumulada de implementação dos programas anteriores, centrando a acção governativa no combate à pobreza para a melhoria das condições de vida...
