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Technical tools to plan for investments in the construction, rehabilitaion and maintenance of rural infrastucture.
Evaluation of Republic Act 10121, Development policies.
Information sheet for the emergency perparedness and response programme
Disaster risk reduction as it relates to climate change
Case study on what can be done to reduce the impact of natural diasters at the community level.
This review of the Phillippine Floods Shelter Working Group (MSWG) is the second review commissioned by the Shelter Department of the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies...
Technical guidelines in line with strategies recommened by the Shelter Strategic Advisort Committee. This report consists of four main parts. This include shelter terns and definitions, design...
Danger Ordinance issued after Tropical Storm Sendong
This paper highlights the immediate concerns for the humanitarian shelter and settlement sector. This paper discusses the need for a comprehensive shelter strategy, either at a national or local...
29 files with temporary shelter proposals for the Philippines, with basic information about the Philippines.