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Coastal management is a tool to control natural resource consumption through land use planning, regulation and management, building construction guidelines, etc. The tool needs integration in...
It is a well-known fact that Bangladesh is a highly flood-prone country. As the result of annual floods, significant number of houses in the countryside as well as in urban areas is being...
Law governs the management of disaster management fund
Law governs the roles of international and foreign organizations operating in Indonesia for disaster risk management
Law on the formation of national disaster management agencies
Law on the implementation of disaster management mechanisms in Indonesia
The "Standing Order for Natural Disaster Management in Myanmar" is issued with the aim of ensuring that once disaster strikes, emergency relief and rehabilitation work is carried out...
The Building Control Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for construction of building. It contains authorized license, inspection, stand of building weight, safety reason as well...
The Building Control Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for construction of building. It contains authorized license, inspection, stand of building weight, safety reason as well...
The Condominium Act B. E. 2522 was issued as a guideline and criteria for registration of condominium as well as criteria of the condominium's owner and their ownership.