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Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

A gender and age sensitive, participatory approach at all stages of the project cycle can help ensure that an adequate and efficient response is provided. In order for a shelter and/or NFI project...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Providing water and sanitation facilities alone will not guarantee their optimal use nor will it necessarily improve public health. Only a gender and age-sensitive, participatory approach at all...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Sep 2014
Location: Pakistan

The Eessential starting point for any humanitarian project is to identify the number of women, girls, boys and men who are the target beneficiaries.This information is required in all project...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan
Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Experience from past natural disasters reveals that important differences between men and women often go unrecognised. In the midst of the urgent humanitarian response, the provision of...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

This tip sheet is designed to assist clusters and their project teams in assigning a gender code to their humanitarian projects using the IASC Gender Marker. Each project is awarded a gender code...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

IASC gender marker Pakistan PFERP 2010 Gender Markers Focal Points' Orientation (Draft)

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

Why do we need a Gender Marker in CAPs, CERFs and pooled funds? What is the Gender Marker? Who will use the Gender Marker?

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

This form is designed to be an insert into the feedback form that cluster vetting teams use to. Finalise the cluster's projects for the capor other humanitarian funding vehicles.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jan 1970
Location: Pakistan

MS were developed in consultation with representatives from all OXFAM affiliates to ensure consistent promotion of gender equality in humanitarian programming.
