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Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jun 2012

Steve Fitzmaurice  of the Shelter Centre presented "Transitional Shelter Guidelines" at the Shlter Meeting 12a.

The talk outlined basic aspects of transitional shelters and briefly...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jun 2012

This presentation discusses Shelter Cluster over 4 major points listed below:

1. Consistent and comparative assessment of the impact of humanitarian shelter and settlement interventions...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): World Economic Forum
Date: Jun 2012

Gavin White from the World Economic Forum presented "Tapping into private sector resources for humanitarian shelter projects: The opportunities offered by the...

Content Type: Resource

Eddie Argenal of USAID/OFDA presented "Lessons from Shelter and Settlement Experiences in Haiti" at Shelter Meeting 12a.

The talk...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): UNHCR
Date: Jun 2012

Andrew Cusack of the UNHCR presented Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster update at the Shelter Meeting 12a.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jun 2012

Matti Kuittinen from Finn Church Aid / Aalto University presented "Assessment of sustainable development in humanitarian construction" at Shelter Meeting 12a.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jun 2012

Dan Smith from Shelter Centre presented "Environment: developing a decision making tool" at Shelter Meeting 12a.


Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): CARE International
Date: Jun 2012

Lizzie Babister from Care International presented"IASC Sub-Working Group on Accountability to Affected Populations. How can clusters be more accountable to affected populations?" at the Shelter...

Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2013
Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2013
