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Recommendations from Multipurpose Cyclone Shelter Project applied to domestic buildings in Bangladesh.
Significant increases in load carrying capacity of brick masonry columns is possible through encasement in ferrocement plaster. This paper presents the test results performed on thirty-two axially...
The examples on which I will draw include those of Alto Mayo where 7, 000 homes were rebuilt after the 1990 earthquake and the regional reconstruction Program undertaken by the Corporation...
The floods of 1987-88 and the cyclone of 1991 hammered the backbone of our national economy as well as our development. The 1988 flood alone destroyed about 1. 25 million houses and twice as many...
The Housing & Hazards Group (H&H) piloted a series of Building for Safety workshops during its first field study in 1997 (Carter, 1997). The study was connected in Sundurban Union,...
The majority of housing in cyclone-prone zones is non-engineered thatched construction. These structures have virtually no lateral load resistance mechanism. They can rarely survive even a...
The objective of this paper is to select suitable lateral load resistance system, investigate the uplift mechanism of the roof, select proper location of door and windows, etc, for the rural hut...
The Permatent Emergency Shelter cum Roofing Unit has been specially designed in Bangladesh for use in Bangladesh, particularly as disaster preparedness hardware for use in the cyclone high risk...
The Second International Seminar Dhaka 99 has come at an important stage in the development of Building for Safety in Bangladesh. It consolidates much of the initial work and provides a platform...
This document describes the use of bamboo as a flexible and affordable building material for inhabitants living below the poverty line in Bangladesh.