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Content Type: Resource

Caderno guia para redução da vulnerabilidade em zonas de ocupação informal susceptíveis a inundações. Este caderno guia foi criado para ajudar as crianças a comprender os conceitos,

Content Type: Resource

Este guião tem por objectivo principal repensar as construçoes localizadas em zonas de risco de ciclone, fenómeno natrual pelo qual devemos adaptar a nossa maneira de viver, plantar e construir. O...

Content Type: Resource

Este Manual de Recomendaçoes para a Redução da Vulnerabilidade em Zonas de Ocupação Informal Susceptíveis a Inundações apresenta de maneira sucinta, clara e directa, alguns aspectos importantes...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Mozambique

When MSF first met to discuss the impact and implications of the drought in Mozambique, it became clear that the information available on the situation at the district level was subjective and...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

Looking at a spread of slow-onset and sudden climate-related events, this article explores the meteorological fields that must be considered in future disaster-preparedness planning.

Content Type: Resource

This is one tool for evaluating environmental factors at the outset of a disaster. Numerous checklists and other guidelines included in the appendices.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

Brief IASC leaflet highlighting the major environmental considerations in humanitarian response, with links to other useful documents and organisations.

Content Type: Resource

Environmental Considerations of Human Displacement in Liberia

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014

En el marco del proyecto “Fortalecimiento de las capacidades locales para la respuesta y gestión del
riesgo frente a eventos sísmicos en las Provincias de Puerto Plata y Santiago, República...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

This guide is intended to aid decision-makers by:
- drawing attention to the links between refugees and the environment; and
- highlighting key issues to enable decision-makers to...
