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Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2009

Heiner Gloor of Swiss Solidarity and Shelter Centre delivered the Sector Lecture for SM09a, foucsing on lessons learnt from the Pakistan earthquake in 2005. The key points were as follows:

Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2009

Heiner Gloor of Swiss Solidarity and Shelter Centre delivered the Sector Lecture for SM09a, foucsing on lessons learnt from the Pakistan earthquake in 2005. The key points were as follows:

Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2009

Joseph Ashmore presented the latest news from the regular UK Shelter Forum, illustrating its purpose, who it serves and how it supports the shelter sector.

Content Type: Resource

This presentations presents the needs, goals, and the future of transitional shelter.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Nov 2009

Shelter Centre presented a proposal for the secondment of its interns as assistants for other organisations.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): RedRShelter Centre
Date: Nov 2009

Shelter Centre and RedR provided an update of current proposals for sector training and asked for contributions and ideas from the SM09b attendees.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Nov 2009

Shelter Centre presented current and planned revisions to the UN/OCHA handbook and invited comments. There was also discussion about consistency with the World Bank and Practical Action approaches...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Nov 2009

Shelter Centre presented the revised draft of "Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: Rebuilding Afer Disaster", on behalf of The World Bank, and comments were recieved.

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Nov 2009

Shelter Centre led a discussion of the Non Food Items section of the Sphere Project handbook, in order to better inform forthcoming revisions.
