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Since 17 July 2009, the Government of the CAR, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement present in Bangui (CAR Red Cross society, ICRC and the International Federation), partner national societies...

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How important is sanitation during a humanitarian crisis? Why is it important to explore ecologicaland sustainable sanitation? This article looks at the case of Eastern Chad, an example of a...

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Date: Feb 2014
Location: Chad

Evaluation report on the progress and impact of purifying water in Chad, as well as the affected areas.

Content Type: Resource

This report consists of background information of the urban sector in Mozambique, assessment of governance, slums, gender and HIV/AIDS, an analysis and outline of priority project proposals.

Content Type: Resource

Plano de contingências é uma ferramenta de gestão que permite ao governo para coordenar as ações de prevenção multisectorias, mitigação de desastres e reconstrução pós-desastre.

Content Type: Resource

O Programa do Governo 2010-2014 resulta da experiência acumulada de implementação dos programas anteriores, centrando a acção governativa no combate à pobreza para a melhoria das condições de vida...

Content Type: Resource

Este relatório apresenta o sumário de resultados preliminares do Inquérito de Indicadores Múltiplos (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - MICS), realizado em 2008 pelo Instituto Nacional de...

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At national level in most developing countries, hygiene and sanitation do not yet receive much attention, despite important health implications. The aim of this report is to explore the underlying...

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Watershed protection is one of the many goods and services provided by the world’s fast disappearing tropical forests. Among the variety of watershed protection benefits, flood damage alleviation...

Content Type: Resource

National Sector Assessment and Overview of WASH Programme in Madagascar.
