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This checklist is derived from the Terms of Reference for Camp/Cluster Coordinator, and provides us a useful tool to remind Cluster Lead Agency and other sector actors of the key issues to ensure...
The present publication by the UN is meant to give an overview of the emergency settings of the OCHA. The documents describes the steps that needs to be taken when confronted with an emergency...
The theme for OCHA's annual plan for 2011 is œResponding in a Changing World? and it is based on its 2010-2013 Strategic Framework. The pages lay out our financial plan, strategic plan and...
Map of IDP situation after tropical storm Haruna.
Map of hazards such as drought, cyclones and floods in Madagascar
Detailed guidance on the cluster approach is provided in the IASC Guidance Note on Using the ClusterApproach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response, 24 November 2006. The IASC Generic Terms of...
Relief to Early Recovery Transition
These codes provide a systematic means of linking and exchanging data and analysing relationships between them.
This report outlines the Common Humanitarian Action Plan for Sri Lanka September - December 2006 "The Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for Sri Lanka is a stand-alone humanitarian...
Reflects the needs of the population in Pakistan, 6 months after the flooding, with a review of the humanitarian clusters operations.