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Your search for u.s. agency for international development resulted in 10 hits.
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This short synthesis was released by USAID regarding pre-fab shelter constructions. The synthesis outlines a few interesting point to consider when dealing with so called Pre-Fab shelters.

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As part of its Disaster Risk Reduction Programs, the United States Agency for International Development through the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) initiated a series of...

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The intent of the Guidelines is to solicit the information required for USAID/OFDA to make
efficient and effective funding decisions. To expedite the proposal review and funding

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The purpose of USAID/OFDA humanitarian shelter and settlements (S&S) assistance is to provide decent, safe, and habitable living spaces to disaster/crisis-affected populations in need of...

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Neighbourhoods are geographic areas of cities typically defined by social, economic, and physical features, which often serve as the basis for administrative and political recognition within...

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Case study prepared as part of a project, Evaluation of PostDisasterHousing Education as a Local Mitigation Approach. It examines the post-cyclone reconstruction program designed and conducted...

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Sector overview

USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) remains at the forefront of the humanitarian community’s shelter and settlements (S&S) activities, all...

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The objective of humanitarian S&S assistance is to ensure access to safe and appropriate living spaces in neighborhoods where affected households can resume critical social and livelihoods...

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GOAL: The goal of any USAID/OFDA Shelter and Settlements (S&S) activity will be occupancy
of covered living space that can serve as minimally adequate shelter for disaster/crisis...

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This report summarizes the findings of the 2006-07 Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) carried out by the
National Institute of Population Studies. The Government of Pakistan...