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Tarpaulins, transitional shelters or permanent houses:how does the shelter assistance provided affect the recovery of communities after disaster?
Preliminary Impact Evaluation of the transitional Shelter Programme in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Challenges in providing shelter in India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka after the tsunami.
Challenges in providing shelter in India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka after the tsunami.
Annotated bibliography prepared for the joint follow-up evaluation of the links between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) in responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami'This annotated...
Special Issue 36, September 2007. Report on South Asia Earthquake. Includes sections: How to Work on Floods, 200 Flood Recovery Agenda for International Agencies: Lessons from the Tsunami...
This publication presents a collection of 18 indigenous practices which weredeveloped over time in the communities in the Asia-Pacific region. Typesof disasters include earthquake, cyclone (...
An analysis of information flow to tsunami affected populations in Aceh Province
This report and the survey which it analyses were developed as an answer to concerns expressed by those...
This report attempts to capture some of the key lessons from the tsunami recovery effort as I end my mandate as the UN Secretary-Generalís Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. Its subject is...
This is a 4 page brochure explaining how the APELL approach can help communities in earthquake prone areas to better prepare for Earthquakes.