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This document is aimed at mainstreaming the methodology for disaster damage and loss assessment (DaLA). It provides indispensable reference material for training programs to build institutional...
This report outlines the Philippine urban sector assessment, strategy, and road map as the basis
for a future partnership between the Government of the Philippines and the Asian Development...
Shelter after disaster: strategies for transitional settlement and reconstruction offers governments, coordinators and implementers a framework for integrated shelter, settlement and...
Hurricane Ivan struck Grenada on September 7, 2004. The international and local communities responded with a massive reconstruction and recovery effort. Although the job is far from finished, the...
Sometimes you fall upon things. The talk will focus on the observation (and the findings) of a (short) 10 day initial research trip to Parque S. Bartolomeu in Salvador da Bahia, Brasil where we...
Recognising the need for each country susceptible to disasters to have appropriateconstruction standards, the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), with financialassistance from the Government of...
The report examines the constraints in the housing market beginning with a brief overview of the formal financial sector and the cooperative and micro financial institutions of Indonesia. It shows...
The presentation captures lessons learnt from CHF International's KATYE project in Ravin Pintade, funded by OFDA and its recent World Bank funded PREKAD program to explore the potential of...
Early recovery is about shifting the focus from saving lives to restoring livelihoods, thuseffectively preventing recurrence of disasters and harnessing conditions for human development.One month...
Some 20 million tonnes of waste resulted from the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE). The amount of debris in Iwate Prefecture was 11 times greater than in a normal year, and in Miyagi 19 times...