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This publication has been produced to rapidly respond to the need for transitional shelter solutions in emergencies in providing a œmenu? of engineered, quantified and costed solutions drawn upon...
As an inmediate response to the Tsunami of December 2004, Swiss Red Cross with the financial contribution of Swiss Solidarity supported a reconstruction project with the objective of rebuilding...
In response to the Tsunamii disasters caused in Tamil Nadu, India, the Swiss Red Cross with the financial contribution of Swiss Solidarity supported a reconstruction program with the objective of...
This video made by the IFRC explains how to build / to realize a bamboo shelter. The earthquake-resilient shelters are made out of local materials such as bamboo and rope and cost the equivalent...
This Training Manual for Trainers is the summary of basic practical construction know-how that is of crucial importance to transfer appropriate and new skills to local masons, supervisoirs and...