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El acceso a una vivienda es un derecho básico para las personas de todas las edades, pero para las personas mayores la sensación de seguridad y comodidad que proporciona un hogar es...
El acceso a una vivienda es un derecho básico para las personas de todas las edades, pero para la gente mayor, la sensación de seguridad y comodidad que proporciona un hogar es particularmente...
Arup was commissioned to carry out a structural review to assess and validate nine selected shelter designs for the IFRC. This document summarises the information gathered for and the key outcomes...
This is a video of the Emergency Shelter Response in Peru after the earthquake that took place in 15th of August 2007. It shows the response of the Peruvian Red Cross supported by the...
This publication has been produced to rapidly respond to the need for transitional shelter solutions in emergencies in providing a œmenu? of engineered, quantified and costed solutions drawn upon...
This guideline is aimed at helping humanitarian aid workers make more informed decisions on the use of plastic sheeting in emergencies. The target audience includes Program managers, field based...
Shelter is a basic human right for people of all ages, butfor older people, the sense of security and comfort thata home provides is particularly important. Losing theirhome in a disaster or...
The collaboration between IFRC and Oxfam on this project originated from the lack of up-to-date guidance on the use of plastic sheeting. While this material is widely used in emergency shelter...
Le logement est un des droits humains de base pour les personnes de tous âges, mais pour les personnes âgées, le sentiment de sécurité et de confort qu'un foyer peut fournir est...
Le logement est un des droits humains de base pour les personnes de tous âges, mais pour les personnes âgées, le sentiment de sécurité et de confort qu'un foyer peut fournir est...