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Your search for security report resulted in 149 hits.
Content Type: Resource

In Kenya, insecure land tenure and inequitable access to land and natural resources have contributed to conflict and violence, which has in return exacerbated food insecurity. Most farmers in...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Niger

This report is a country outlook in regards to food security in Niger in 2013. It covers a national overview of the situation and discusses areas of concern. The key message is: increasing millet...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

Shelter is considered as being one of the most basic human rights. Appropriate shelter is supposed to provide protection against climatic conditions like wind, rain, sun and cold, and should...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): YouTube
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

For the internally displaced in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, safety is a rare commodity. The UN refugee agency manages 13 camps set up to help the displaced regain some sense of...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Timor-Leste

This paper presents the results of a preliminary study of climate vulnerability in East Timor. It shows the results of projections of climate change in East Timor. The country's climate may...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Pakistan

Legislation for a country like Pakistan, especially food related are very crucial, in the sense that large number of population mostly living inrural areas is still poor and this number is further...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Oxfam GB
Date: Feb 2014

Building better responses to displacement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by helping host families. This study, based on recent interviews and field research in eastern DRC, provides new...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Indonesia

Following the December 26, 2004 disaster in Indonesia, damaged roads, a devastated physical and human infrastructureand limited air assets posed huge challenges to early aid efforts. A systematic...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Ethiopia

Evaluation of the Ethiopia Disaster Mitigation Project which has the goal of increasing food security in Ethiopia.

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Burundi

Ce rapport présente les résultats du suivi de la sécurité alimentaire pour la période de novembre 2011 à avril 2012.
