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UNICEF contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in January 2008 to conduct a global evaluation of the CFS initiative, which was to be built upon site visits to Child Friendly...
This toolkit is designed for use by coordination teams deployed by the Emergency Shelter Cluster co-chairs UNHCR and IFRC to chair in-country Emergency Shelter Cluster Working Groups. Documents...
In this session the participants pooled their knowledge to map out what training resources already existed, and then to identify the gaps in training provision.
A mapping exercise was...
The Sumatra 30 September 2009 earthquake has damaged hundred thousand buildings in West Sumatra Province. The earthquake is located in 100 km offshore of Padang City, the Capital City of the...
The IASC Shelter Cluster prioritised a review of the shelter needs of families in emergency shelter. A large number are expected to remain in emergency shelter during 2011 or longer. The majority...
This report assesses the level of preparedness and response against both natural and human induced hazards and the state of disaster risk reduction in Iraq. The purpose of this paper is three-fold...
The report highlights the urgency to address the deteriorating condition of food traded across official and unofficial border crossings, the increasing malnutrition among farming families of host...
Guidelines with a participatory approach to safe shelter awareness (PASSA, which aims to raise the awareness of the ‘everyday vulnerable’ of the ‘everyday risks’ related to communities built...
For the first time, FSA 2003 will help the stakeholders in Pakistan understand the fact that food security is not only a function of the availability (physical access) of food but it is a...
The ALNAP Global Study responds to a growing consensus that the consultation and participation of disaster-affected populations during the planning, monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian...