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A logistics supply chain map for yemen, created Apr 25, 2012
A tip sheet with a general logistics and planning map of Yemen
Gives an overview of the logisitcs cluster warehouse capacity in Syria.
A distance matrix between all the major cities in Yemen.
This document provides an overview of how to access the logistics services offered by the LC (LC) to all humanitarian actors responding to the Syrian Operation.
As part of preparedness activities, together with the preparation of contingency plans, the Logistics Cluster develops comprehensive reports of the logistics of one country, including: a)...
Logistics Operations Guide (LOG) is the reference tool for UNJLC Core
Unit as well as those individuals sent to the site of an emergency
(these may be Core Unit staff,...
Tableau réalisé par l'Unité IM OCHA au Mali pour le Cluster Logistique le 6 Juillet 2012
UNHAS and ASF-F routes Effective 2013 (as of 27 Mar 2013)
The objective of this doucment is 1) identify the gaps in the management and capacity of logistics during the response to the scenarios defined by the HCT and 2) attempt to address those by...