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Mr. Mark Wooding presented a project developed by Medair in Badakhshan Province in NE Afghanistan, an area affected by flooding and earthquakes.
...An introductory presentation by Shelter Centre on inter-agency humanitarian technical training that builds capacity for humanitarian response.
This powerpoint...
The Housing Forum for Europe & Central Asia took place from 4th to 6th of April 2011, and it involved 168 attendees from 48 different countries and...
The Transitional Shelter Guidelines is a publication developed by the Shelter Centre. Once it will be finished, it will:
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The Shelter Centre presented the concept of Transitional Tents, its evolution from a simple project and the current progress made so far. The following steps that...
Mr. Andrew Cusack from Shelter Centre presented the review of the Shelter After Disaster publication, made up of humanitarian literature dedicated to shelter,...
The Humanitarian Yellow Pages is a Non-for-profit initiative developed by EMBA Studens of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Social Entrepreneurs in...
Mrs. Sarah Ernst from Architecture Sans Frontières (ASF) presented the draft version of the guide "Reducing RIsk and Promoting Sustainability", with a case study of...
Charles Kelly of the ProAct network presented "Energy Efficient Post Disaster Housing: Defining Options and Challenges" at Shelter Meeting 12a.
...Presentation with illustration and images of a transitional shelter prototype