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Recommendations are given for the properties of the components (binder, aggregate and water), mixing, and estimating the amounts needed for typical masonry and rendering jobs. Recipes for standard...
In hot climates, shade offers protection from overheating and UV radiation. It can protect people and structures, as well as suporting the effective use of external spaces. The use of fencing in...
This Good Practice Review is intended for practitioners: principally project planners and managers working at sub-national and local levels, mostly in NGOs but also in local government and...
The Code of Conduct lays out grand concepts and principles, but what about the people on the frontline, who are actually doing the work? It is self-evident that to do a good job you need good...
The objective of this review is to provide a short, accessible overview of what may be considered `good practice' in the field of emergency water and sanitation. It is aimed primarily at NGO...
The purpose of this manual is to present some of the knowledge gained during the past thirty years in the field of timber drying using solar energy. It aims to provide sufficient information for...
These equipment packages have been devised by the Oxfam Public Health Engineering Team and others to help provide a reliable water supply, primarily for emergency situations such as in refugee...
This booklet will explain to you, step by step and in simple terms, the basic concepts and techniques you will need to know to construct a secure and earthquake-resistant house using geomesh-...
El objetivo de este manual técnino es presentar, a través de una serie de figuras, una téecnica sencilla de reforzamiento que permita retarder el colapso de las viviendas de adobe existentes en la...
This booklet is a simple and practical guide for transitional shelter and reconstruction practitioners. It aims to provide basic background information on asbestos and its associated health risks...