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Contents: Intensity of the DisasterStrategies Adopted by the StateAchievementsLessons Learned
The absence of professional knowledge regarding coordination, and the occasional shortage of technical and methodological expertise, added to the usual resistance to coordination, made it a...
This Sri Lankan country study is one of four undertaken by the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition (TEC) Local and National Capacities Evaluation, which in turn is one of six evaluations undertaken by...
Since 1983, Sri Lanka has suffered a civil war which has killed thousands and displaced more than 530, 000 people, mainly Tamils. Significant proportions of housing have been destroyed or damaged...
Report on works carried out by GTZ and other institutions for peoples displaced by the continuing civil war in Sri Lanka.
This paper, commissioned by the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery, is one of a range of studies designed to contribute to lesson learning within the humanitarian reform agenda....
Evaluation of the linkage of relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) regarding interventions in connection with the tsunami disaster in December 2004'The Sri Lanka Case Study, as one...
The speaker outlined the successes and problems of the SDC/HA post-tsunami cash-for-shelter program in Sri Lanka.
He explained that cash programmes rely very heavily on damage assessments...
Whereas the obligation undertaken in pursuance of the aforesaid Agreement, has not been fulfilled, due to certain unforeseen circumstances and notwithstanding the provisions of the Grant of...
Asia Pacific is the most disaster prone region of the world, suffering on average, 40% of global disasters each year. For decades, the IFRC has been working with Red Cross Red Crescent National...