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Law governs the management of disaster management fund
Law on the implementation of disaster management mechanisms in Indonesia
Report by the provincial government on the operation of its governance mechanism to the central government in Jakarta
National law concerning disaster management in Indonesia.
Law governs the roles of international and foreign organizations operating in Indonesia for disaster risk management
Law on the formation of national disaster management agencies
This is a interim report submitted to UN-ISDR on the progress of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) by the Government of the Philippines.
This evaluation is part of a four-country study, which includes Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Three sets of national and local capacities are reviewed: 1) The capacity to respond to...
This paper illustrates how procedures and approvals relating to building development processes are to be done by local government in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta.
This report provides information on the consultancy of Mr. George Kuru, carried out from 4 June to 3 July to provide technical assistance related to wood supply for post-tsunami reconstruction in...