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Ivan Draganic (UNDP) presented an update on the latest activities of the Early Recovery Cluster.
A two-fold early recovery...
The speaker discussed the role of the Early Recovery Cluster in the context of humanitarian response. He also noted the importance of establishing an Early Recovery Network at country level, to...
Reporting Primers are internal guidance for OCHA staff to increase understanding of specialized aspects of humanitarian operations and in turn strengthen reporting efforts. The information...
This paper analyses how early recovery activities are financed through humanitarian appeals, focusing primarily on Consolidated Appeals (CAPs), so that donors and aid agencies can better...
During and immediately after a crisis, national actors and the international community focus primarilyon meeting immediate life-saving needs. Human lives are at risk and quick action is required...
The speaker described the role of early recovery. The speaker stressed the need to start early recovery in parallel with relief operations, presenting them as complementary ways of assisting a...
Danger Ordinance issued after Tropical Storm Sendong
In a continuation of DLA-2011 and LRA-2012, LRA-2013 is aimed to assess the recovery level of population affected by 2012 floods.
Specific objectives of LRA-2013 include to assess:
This report presents the results of the Myanmar country study. It analyzes the effects of activating the cluster approach following Cyclone Nargis and also takes into account the political nature...