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Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Haiti

The plan focuses first on the immediate future, which lasts 18 months, cov-ers the end of the emergency period and includes preparation for projects to generate genuine re-newal. The second stage...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Haiti

The plan focuses first on the immediate future, which lasts 18 months, cov-ers the end of the emergency period and includes preparation for projects to generate genuine re-newal. The second stage...

Content Type: Resource

This Investment plan addresses land tenure security and reform of land tenure.

Content Type: Resource

Haitian Labour code

Content Type: Resource

Le Guide pratique de réparation de petits bâtiments en Haïti identifie plusieurs types de dommages et propose spécifiquement les réparations des dommages affectant des bâtiments jusqu'à deux...

Content Type: Resource

This report is dealing with the Urban Community driven development project where land aquisition and involuntary resettlement policy framwork is supppose to be developed.The project seeks to...

Content Type: Resource

Ce guide, qui s'adresse aux auto-constructeurs, présente les recommandations à suivre pour que les petits bâtiments en béton armé et en blocs de béton creux d'usage courant en Haïti...

Content Type: Resource

This independent review into how the UK responds to humanitarian emergencies was commissioned by the Secretary of State for International Development and led by Lord Paddy Ashdown. It was asked to...

Content Type: Resource

Building on the successful experiences of the Haiti Rural CDD Project (PRODEP) and the Pilot Urban CDD Project (PRODEPAP), the proposed project (PRODEPUR additional financing) seeks to improve...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Haiti

Ce guide, qui s'adresse aux auto-constructeurs, présente les recommandations à suivre pour que les petits bâtiments en béton armé et en blocs de béton creux d'usage courant en Haïti...
