Save The Children Multi-Sector Assessment: Southern Kyrgyzstan - Osh Oblast

Following a wave of violence that reached its' peak June 10-14, 2010 in the southern city of Osh inthe Kyrgyz Republic (commonly called Kyrgyzstan), Save the Children has launched an emergencyresponse to address the needs among children and their families. Due to the violence, approximately 375, 000 people fled their homes, including approximately 75, 000that took refuge in neighboring Uzbekistan, and then subsequently returned to Kyrgyzstan “ eitherto their places of origin, or remaining displaced within the country's boundaries. Approximately75, 000 people remain internally displaced. The overall number of people directly affected by thecrisis stands at 400, 000. The families that have been displaced or otherwise affected by the conflict face various challenges tocope with the existing environment. It was, therefore, essential that a detailed assessment beconducted in order to enable Save the Children and other humanitarian actors to plan an effectivehumanitarian response that addresses the actual needs of the affected communities.