land administration in east timor functions and responsibilities: lessons learned from albania, mozambique, rwanda, and thailand

This report represents the results of the assessment mission and constitutes a first step in a challenging recovery process. It is anticipated that this data will serve to inform and build the broader program of revitalization for the Gingerbread neighborhoods and to foster continued institutional cooperation and community participation. A key element envisioned by WMF for future phases includes a series of technical briefs cum manual for residents and building owners, enabling them to work toward the repair and conservation of the Gingerbread Houses and the overall revitalization of these once vibrant neighborhoods. This assessment lays the groundwork for such materials and ancillary training, and builds a foundation for information sharing, advocacy, and community development. By emphasizing the common challenges and opportunities faced by the Gingerbread House community, the project team and partners hope to facilitate continued cooperation and engender collective support for recovery.