Forced Evictions in Bangladesh

In August 2000, a four-member team from the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) conducted a fact-finding mission to Dhaka, Bangladesh to investigate reports of large-scale forced evictions. 1 The objectives of the mission were to: \n-a Determine the number of forced evictions which had taken place in the past year; \n-Determine the underlying causes for forced evictions; \n-Develop an understanding of the impact of forced evictions; and \n-Make recommendations. \nThis report reflects the conversations and discussions with the many people in Dhaka as well as documentation provided by many organizations and individuals. The report briefly outlines: the situation of the urban poor and the housing conditions; the Bangladesh Government's various responses to the housing conditions of the urban poor and the scale of forced evictions; the international and domestic laws violated; the situation of people after being evicted; and (conclusions and recommendations. The report highlights how forced evictions constitute gross violations of human rights and that there are better ways to deal with squatter settlements.