This report analyzes the beans market system in the Sud-Est (Southeast) department of Haiti in March-April 2010, several months after the January 12 earthquake in Haiti. This market system was selected for its importance as both a source of income and as a staple food in Sud-Est and throughout Haiti. The report finds there are two main constraints in the beans market system: a lack of purchasing power among Sud-Est households and a lack of cash and assets among beans growers, which limits ability to buy bean seeds and may lead to a supply shortage later in the year if not addressed. Additionally, several earthquake-related disruptions to key services and infrastructure, such as transportation and storage, persist. Food aid has increased significantly and may also contribute to decreased demand. Recommended short-term interventions include seed distributions, scaling down food distributions, and cash-based programs to improve buying power of affected households. Longer-term recommended interventions aim to improve overall functioning of the beans market to mitigate future disruptions.