Draft Review of the Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World. WCDR Prepartory Committee, Second Session

The present document has been prepared in accordance with the UN General Assembly resolutions A/RES/56/195 (para 18) and A/RES/57/256 (paras 4, 5 and 7) where it was proposed to undertake the review of the Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World (1994), and to report its conclusions at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR). The present draft has benefited from views of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction at its Ninth Session 4-5 May, 2005, and those provided by Governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations which attended the First Preparatory Committee for the WCDR, 6-7 May 2004. Additional insight has been provided by regional and thematic consultations and by partner organizations, including information assessing the current status of disaster reduction provided by more than 80 countries. It is presented to the Preparatory Committee for review and comment, noting that its contents are supplemented by an Information Paper summarizing information provided by countries on the status of disaster reduction. The Conference secretariat intends to disseminate the results of the review through various products for different audiences.