Construction of Masonry Buildings with Appropriated Technologies: Masonry Construction Guide

Masonry houses with good structural performance may be constructed by appropriate construction procedures, good structural detailing and good quality control. This guide has been divided in fourteen sections following the construction procedure. Structural detailing and quality control are discussed between the Japanese Advisor Committee and CISMID considering the Peruvian construction system and the Japanese concept on structural detailing, such as anchorages of reinforcements, and quality control. This guide should be used for two or single story house, because our experiment was performed with a real size 2 story house. Each section presents questions of how to execute the construction works and also recommendations to assure the quality in the construction site. When an item is very important signal with a small man appear and shows the recommendation in green color. Also if crucial note appear, a signal of stop will appear showing in red color the recommendation. These kinds of recommendations must be follows if the quality wants to be reach on the construction site.