The first edition (2004) of the Camp Management Toolkit was designed to provide a more precise guide to knowledge and know-how relating to camp management. Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) is a recognised priority sector. Sector actors realised the need for a common tool for all camp management professionals.This 2015 edition of the Camp Management Toolkit is now updated. This newly edited Toolkit has been endorsed by the Global CCCM Cluster as a tool. The update of the Toolkit was accomplished by a wide range of persons. Each chapter was updated by an expert contributor, revised by means of an Advisory Group and endorsed by a Steering Committee. Collaborators were encouraged to include certain topics throughout each chapter, provide different views on the same issues and to showcase practical field examples. This new edition represents a joint effort by UN agencies/ non-governmental and inter-governmental organisations in order to provide camp management professionals with a common improved tool.