The Directorate of Land and Property of Timor Leste contains information about cadastre and law on land. The website may be in 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Tetum and Bahasa Indonesia).
The linked webpage points out the spatial and administrative organization of Timor Leste. The "Direcção de Terras e Propriedades" (Directorate of Land and Property) applet is also informative about the settlement of cadastre management in the country and the current law on land. The Directorate of Land and Property of Timor Leste contains information about cadastre and law on land. The website may be in 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Tetum and Bahasa Indonesia).
The linked webpage points out the spatial and administrative organization of Timor Leste. The "Direcção de Terras e Propriedades" (Directorate of Land and Property) applet is also informative about the settlement of cadastre management in the country and the current law on land. The Directorate of Land and Property of Timor Leste contains information about cadastre and law on land. The website may be in 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Tetum and Bahasa Indonesia).
The linked webpage points out the spatial and administrative organization of Timor Leste. The "Direcção de Terras e Propriedades" (Directorate of Land and Property) applet is also informative about the settlement of cadastre management in the country and the current law on land.