This session sought to determine what the training needs were in the sector.
who to train
A mapping exercise was undertaken of stakeholder organisations, and of groups within organisations. Stakeholders included the beneficiaries themselves, construction workers, CBOs, LNGOs, national and local government, INGOs, IOs, UN bodies and donors, in addition to trainers and coordinators.
what to train
It was recognised that training on shelter in the field was an ongoing and integral part of operations, engaging affected populations and assisting stakeholders in participating fully in the development and implementation of appropriate strategies, programmes and projects, to a household level.
A matrix was proposed by a participant representative to illustrate subject areas, roles and phases in a transitional settlement and reconstruction response. The matrix was developed during the meeting. Shelter Centre committed to complete the matrix and circulate it for comments.
where to train
A mapping exercise was undertaken of where training was required, including as part of implementation, nationally, and at the headquarters of stakeholder organisations as part of preparedness.
how to train
It was recognised that training was required at a series of levels, from a short course that could be downloaded at no cost and adapted for field use to a more sophisticated learning tool that would support participation in developing and implementing strategies.
A modular approach was proposed, where additional course sessions could be added to a course base over time. It was suggested that long distance learning would be very useful, but countered that the training needed to be interactive if there was going to be any accreditation.
In the questions that followed, the idea of a helpdesk arose, or a learning support mechanism, and the need to assess training continuously.
The workshop concluded by Shelter Centre committing to develop the mapping tools further on behalf of those participants attending, and present them in a draft form in the next booklet for Shelter Training, which will be distributed at the next Shelter Meeting, Meeting SM07a.