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The Solomon Islands are now being assisted to retain peace and stability by an organisation sponsored by a group of South Pacific countries including Australia and New Zealand. The Regional...
This document presents details about a number of community-supported school construction projects across the World. Renderings, technical drawings and photographs are included.
In Papua New Guinea, over 97% of land is under customary title. There is significant pressure, from both the Australian government and the World Bank to reform land ownership systems on the...
The Papua New Guinea National Disaster Centre established by the Disaster Management Act of 1984. This website (last updated in 2010) aims at informing Papuan communities about emergency...
Being an Act to make provision with respect to emergencies arising out of epidemics, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters, and for related purposes.
The Papua New Guinea Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management National Framework for Action 2005”2015 represents international best practise in disaster management and stems from a process...
This is a report prepared by the Papua New Guinea National Disaster Center detailing out the disaster risk management landscape with the country.
This Original Land Act of Papua New Guinea published by the State in 1996 shows the juridical frame of property acquisitions.
This review wrote by Richard Stanaway deals with the PNG94 (Papua New Guinea Geodetic Datum 1994) showing the land admistrative organization of Papua New Guinea. The thread of the review is how to...
This video forms part of an Early Childhood Education Teacher Training Toolkit DVD produced by Caritas Australia with the support of AusAID. Caritas Australia's Disaster Risk Management...