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Content Type: Resource

Shelter Centre descibed the current draft of the revised 'Shelter after disaster: Guidelines for Assistance' (UNDRO, 1982). attention was brought to specific areas that could be discussed in the...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Breakout group #1 - Performance on shelter response

In keeping with the aims of the cluster process at the Global level, this project will look to set performance criteria for...

Content Type: Resource

Brian Kelly, IOM and Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre, co-chaired the
session discussing a proposal to invite government reconstruction
agencies for a one day workshop in Geneva in...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

Tom Corsellis and Antonella Vitale provided an update of activities by
Shelter Centre including the Shelter Centre-led revision of 'Shelter
after Disaster: Guidelines for Assistance',...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Elisabeth Babister introduced the discussion by asking a series of
questions on the subject of reconstruction. The discussion that
followed covered funding policies of IFIs, proposals...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

The Shelter Meeting participants agreed that Shelter Meeting 07b will take place from 15th - 16th of November 2007, with a backup date set for the 8th - 9th of November 2007...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

Maggie Stephenson, UN-Habitat, offered an additional presentation and then
opened the discussion on the aftermath of the Pakistan earthquake in
which some 600,000 houses had been...

Content Type: Resource

The speaker, Graham Saunders, announced his recent new position as
IFRC Shelter Co-ordinator, which is sharing the role of convener/leader
with UNHCR of the IASC Emergency Shelter...

Content Type: Resource

Mariko Sato, of UN-Habitat, outlined UN-Habitat's
experiences in responding to the 2007 Mozambique floods. Though their
mandate does not include humanitarian relief, they felt it is...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

The notes below are a summary of the session made by Shelter Centre
rapporteurs. They do not represent the final dates or topics for the
upcoming Shelter Meeting 06b: once confirmed,...
