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Nine years after the fourteen-year war ended in Liberia (2003), the country is still facing significant social and economic challenges that generate and drive humanitarian needs. The unstable...
Political turmoil and violence in Cote D’Ivoire (CDI) after the disputed 2010 presidential election resulted in over 224,000 Ivoirians fleeing across the border to seek refuge in Liberia. Despite...
C’est dans ce contexte que l’Expert indépendant a recueilli des informations faisant état d’une fragilisation de la situation des droits de l’homme de nature à éroder les acquis démocratiques,...
Overview of the current unstable situation in Ivory Coast, its effects on the neighbouring country, Liberia, the current efforts being undertaken and what still needs to be done.
A report on a humanitarian action plan which has the goal of: 1. Reduce excess mortality and morbidity in crisis situations 2. Reinforce livelihoods of the most vulnerable people severely affected...
Les acteurs humanitaires en Côte d’Ivoire ont complété l’analyse des besoins humanitaires qui continuent à se faire sentir dans le pays près de deux ans après l’éclatement de la crise...
Bulletin humanitaire. Au sommaire: Nouveaux déplacements dans l’ouest, Lancement des ‘’besoins humanitaires’’, Lutte contre le VIH à Bouaké, Portrait d’une ONG nationale participant au processus...
Training book for trainers for training on national hazards and early warning. Includes topics such as disaster risk reduction, drought hazard, flood hazard, disease pandemics and others.
Over the years and in recent times Kenya has been exposed to a variety of disasters such as drought, floods, fires, and emerging disasters including HIV/AIDS and terrorism among others. The...
This study has entailed review and analysis of existing national level Disaster Risk Reduction policies and programmes including those of the Kenya government, bilateral and multi-lateral agencies...