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This guidebook is a companion publication to be used in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's document "FEMA 178 - NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of...
The objective of humanitarian S&S assistance is to ensure access to safe and appropriate living spaces in neighborhoods where affected households can resume critical social and livelihoods...
The report, "Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements Sector Update- May 2012" is an update from USAID/OFDA about the sector. Recent projects supported by USAID/OFDA are highlighted, including: its...
This paper provides information on the sub-national areas (regions/districts/provinces) most vulnerable to climate change impacts in Southeast Asia. This assessment was carried out by overlaying...
The Canadian Red Cross's post-Mitch housing reconstruction project in Honduras and Nicaragua was part of its strategy to establish a presence in the region. The aim was to foster relations...
Pour répondre aux catasrophes naturelles ou causées par l'homme et qui bouleversent les vies, les moyens d'existence et les logements, et pour aider les communautés marginalisées ou...
This handbook documents Catholic Relief Service's experience in planning and implementing its urban transitional shelter response in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The handbook highlights challenges...
Evaluation of the cluster aproach aiming to provide 'evidence of major achivements and shortcomings of the approach' and 'to assess concrete changes in operational response'...
Reflections on the role of the educational community in risk management. This document aims to prompt reflection on what exactly constitutes as a safe school: offering a resistible infrastructure...