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Content Type: Resource

The first presentation of the NRC concentrated on urban IDPs. The issues addressed were the need for establishing a status quo for current initiatives, as well as the need for comprehensive and...

Content Type: Resource

The first presentation of the NRC concentrated on urban IDPs. The issues addressed were the need for establishing a status quo for current initiatives, as well as the need for comprehensive and...

Content Type: Resource

Pete Manfield talked about the issue of urban vulnerability and population movement in Southern Africa. Whether the numerous migrations create a silent humanitarian emergency, what problems are...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Habitat For Humanity
Date: May 2009

Habitat for Humanity has set up ‘Habitat Resource Centres’ to aid a population
in reconstruction. They provide training and tools to encourage the people to
learn skills and carry out...

Content Type: Resource

Project update & introduction to afternoon breakout groups:
1. Effect of early policy decisions
2. Typologies and terminology
3. Revised chapter headings
4. Strategic...

Content Type: Resource

Shailesh Kataria from RICS Disaster Management Commission presented the ‘Built
Environment Professions in the Disaster Risk Reduction and Response’. The
booklet is a guide for...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): MEDAIR
Date: May 2009

This presentation was a case study of one of Medair’s projects based in Aceh, Indonesia. First an overview of Medair and its core activities were provided. The various components of the project...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): ProAct
Date: May 2009

Charles Kelly delivered a presentation on ways to improve disaster response sustainability by reducing the negative environmental impacts. It was illustrated using a refugee camp in Sri Lanka as a...

Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2009

Heiner Gloor of Swiss Solidarity and Shelter Centre delivered the Sector Lecture for SM09a, foucsing on lessons learnt from the Pakistan earthquake in 2005. The key points were as follows:

Content Type: Resource
Date: May 2009

Heiner Gloor of Swiss Solidarity and Shelter Centre delivered the Sector Lecture for SM09a, foucsing on lessons learnt from the Pakistan earthquake in 2005. The key points were as follows:

