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Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

No two situations are the same. The effect of the climate, the security, the local authorities, media interests - it is always a mix of approaches. We have to adapt to these different situations....

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

The 3rd Generation family shelter is the latest phase of ongoing Shelter Centre exploration of emergency family shelter. The extruded aluminium structure develops an idea of Wolfgang Neumann,...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker presented an overview of the work undertaken by the Humanitarian Response Review (HRR) and the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Emergency Shelter Working Group including:

Content Type: Resource

The Speaker presented the approach and mandate of UN-Habitat, emphasising the need to bridge humanitarian and development work and promoting sustainability and disaster risk reduction.


Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker presented his research on using cash as a method for supporting transitional settlement response; as an additional method to physical shelter, reconstruction and NFI support.


Content Type: Resource

The round table was preceded by an overview of the shelter response to date in Pakistan, where they worked respectively for CRS and CARE.

Excerpts from discussions

NB: The following...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speakers, both of MSF, provided an overview of current initiatives by MSF in shelter and shelter NFIs. Progress included: the use of inflatable hospital tents in Pakistan; a prototype shelter...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Jul 2008

The speaker presented his research on rammed earth blocks, undertaken for Oxfam GB. Recognising significant previous work on stabilised earth blocks, but also opportunities presented by new...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

Shelter Centre presented the programme in overview before presenting each product and service in detail in later sessions in the afternoon.

Shelter Meeting participant organisations were...

Content Type: Resource
Publisher(s): Shelter Centre
Date: Jul 2008

Shelter Centre has received funding from DFID CHAD CHF to develop the following four products for the period 2006 to 2008:

P1 Shelter After Disaster
P2 Shelter Principles
